Adult Sessions

The Studio is primarily intended to be a public face and a physical focal point for Trust Music. As well as housing information about what we do as a charity, The Studio organises a community programme “Trust Music Studio Sessions”, in partnership with Bolton Music Service, to enable adults to become members and participate in tutor-led music making activities on a regular basis.

Members of the Studio Sessions make a weekly donation to the Trust Music Bursary Scheme which supports disadvantaged young people, who would not otherwise be able to access music or continue learning. Some Studio Session members also make donations even when they do not attend for which we are very grateful.

Trust Music Studio Sessions operate during school term times and include: Rock Band (Rock of Ages), Guitar, Ukulele, Harps, Keyboards and a Ladies A Capella choir. We currently have 180 weekly participants involved in seven sessions per week. We have plans to increase the number and range of sessions thanks to a successful and generous grant from the Peter Sowerby Foundation.

Details of the Studio Sessions can be downloaded Studio sessions 2019-2020.

The Studio also houses an excellent second-hand book and sheet music display from which anyone can select a book or a piece of music in return for a donation to Trust Music.

The Trust Music Studio is organised by Caroline Bradshaw, our part-time Studio Manager, who is most ably assisted by a growing number of fantastic volunteers. They help with opening and closing The Studio, liaising with tutors and Studio Session members, ensuring sessions run smoothly, meeting the general public and visitors and answering their queries, and receiving donations for books and music.

If you are interested in becoming a member of one or more of the Trust Music Studio Sessions, or becoming a volunteer at The Studio, you can contact Caroline Bradshaw by email: